Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dev meeting

Every weekend (sometimes every other), the dev team actually meets face to face. One of the drawbacks of being a startup with partners who are all working professionals of one type or another is a lack of spare time, so we make do.

On the docket for today was some design stuff, but mostly business, marketing to be specific. While I prefer dev meetings to be more about design, marketing is a very interesting topic. For the past few weeks, I've been engrossing myself (as much as this is possible) in marketing information. Yay internet! I've covered a range of examples from soft drinks to consoles to delving into the why we love gaming's forefathers' products to this day. The common denominator with every successful marketing campaign that I came across was an amazing product. So, we're going to start there. We've got lots of neat ideas for products, and we plan on marketing them in ways that allow us to show our personality.

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