Thursday, April 19, 2012

Give us agency!


Okay, I still sort-of play WoW, and if you're around that area of the internet at all you're aware of the massive and persistent issue of "Horde favoritism." Given Blizzard's track record it's pretty obvious where they stand on that issue, so I want to touch upon what I find to be the biggest problem - the Alliance has no agency.

This is a serious problem in any storytelling format. If an entity exists only to be shaped by outside forces, and never acts in a meaningful manner, it's not a very interesting entity. To switch franchises, Yahtzee complains about this in the Silent Hill games, where the character is constrained to doing what the plot tells him to do because the plot says so.

But that shouldn't be confused with player freedom. It's the capacity of the entity to make choices in a narrative sense, so even a plot that's on rail can make you feel like you have agency. Also, you can if you're really clever make the lack of agency a plot point ("Would you kindly," anyone?), but that's riskier.

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